Star Wars Saga

Hasbro 2002-2004

SAGA (Classic Star Wars) (2002-2004)

Chewbacca Cloud City Capture (ESB)
Darth Vader Bespin Duel (ESB)
Darth Maul Sith Training (EPI)
Death Star with Death Star Trooper and Droids (Deluxe) (ANH)
Djas Puhr Bounty Hunter (ESB)
Endor Rebel Soldier (w/ facial hair) (ROTJ)
Endor Rebel Soldier (no facial hair) (ROTJ)
Ephont Mon (Fan's Choice #3) (ESB)
Han Solo Endor Raid (ROTJ)
Ki-Adi Mundi Jedi Knight (EPI)
Luke Skywalker Bespin Duel (clean stump) (hand) (ESB)
Luke Skywalker Bespin Duel (bloody stump) (hand) (ESB)
Lott Dodd Nemoidian Senator (EPI)
Qui-Gon Jinn Jedi Master (EPI)
Teemto Pagalies Pod Racer (EPI)
Watto Mos Espa Junk Dealer (EPI)

SAGA Deluxe Action Figure Packs

Endor Victory with Scout Trooper (Deluxe) (ROTJ)
Greedo with Cantina Bar Section (Vendor Exclusive) (ANH)
Hoth Survival with Hoth Rebel Solder (Deluxe) (ESB)
Momaw Nadon with Cantina Bar Section (Deluxe) (Vendor Exclusive) (ANH)
Ponda Baba with Cantina Bar Section (Deluxe) (Vendor Exclusive) (ANH)

SAGA Vehicles

Landspeeder with Luke Skywalker (ANH)
Luke Skywalker's X-wing with R2-D2 (ESB)

SAGA - Star Tours (Disney)
